Author: Patrick King

Does your mind blank in conversation and create awkward silences? Do you want to think faster on your feet? Do you run out of things to say, and suck at keeping a conversation going? Or do you just wish you could be wittier and cleverer in everyday conversation? Introverted?
It’s easier than you think… all you need to do is just improv your conversations! Improv(e) Your Conversations utilizes and teaches you how to use the ingenious framework from improv comedy and apply it directly to your everyday social interactions and conversations… can’t we learn something from the greatest improv comedians in the world like Tina Fey and Will Ferrell? Improv comedy and memorable conversations have almost everything in common: their premise, what makes them great, and their end goals. In this book, I have pieced together the 14 best actionable and practical techniques from the improv comedy world designed to create conversational flow and connection… and simply have better interactions. You never know when a single conversation can change your life, so make sure that each one is memorable.